When searching for instruments via Saxo's OpenAPI, on occasion, you may find it difficult to find the correct instrument of the correct asset type.
Note: It is possible that the instrument you are searching for is no longer a tradable product, or has never been a product supported by Saxo. In both cases, the instrument is not available in OpenAPI Reference Data.
Assuming the product is generally available for trading, we recommend you use use our ref/v1/instruments endpoint using a mix of query parameters to find the instrument.
- "Keywords": words of the desired product name, or ISIN if available.
- "IncludeNonTradable": If the product is not tradable by your requesting user, this flag enables returning them.
- "AssetType": Narrows down results for easier browsing.
When searching, I cannot find the instrument of AssetType StockIndex for CAC 40:
200 - OK
{ "Data": [] }
When adding the IncludeNonTradable=True query param:
200 - OK
{ "Data": [ { "AssetType": "StockIndex", "CurrencyCode": "EUR", "Description": "CAC 40 Index", "ExchangeId": "PAR", "GroupId": 6, "Identifier": 1907568, "IsKeywordMatch": true, "IssuerCountry": "FR", "SummaryType": "Instrument", "Symbol": "CAC40.I" } ] }
The desired instrument is found.
More Resources
How can I get Stocks, ETFs, CFD and other non-FX on my demo account?
What instruments do I need a market data subscription for?