There can be different reasons for delayed market data, depending on the environment you are on, or the capabilities of your active sessions.
Note: FX prices are always real-time. Other instrument asset types require a market data subscription in order to retrieve real-time quotes.
Simulation environment (SIM)
We only offer delayed prices in the SIM environment for non-FX products. Even if you have connected your simulation client with a LIVE one and purchased real-time market data on this account, it is not possible to retrieve real-time market data in the SIM environment.
Note: Real-time market data can only be accessed on the LIVE environment.
Live environment (LIVE)
If you have a subscription to real-time data and are not receiving this through the API, this is most likely caused by your API session having the wrong capabilities set, or the capabilities being overridden by another session.
Note: Logging your user onto Saxo Bank's platforms (Investor, SaxoTraderGo, SaxoTraderPro) will automatically downgrade the API Session to the default, so that Market Data will be delayed again. Therefore, you must re-apply the session configuration, for real-time Market Data. This will similarly downgrade the platform's connection, as market data can only be delivered to one session at a time.
By default, login to API Apps are always assigned OrdersOnly
capabilities as TradeLevel
, which has limited access to market data. Prices for non-FX products will always be delayed for sessions with this capability.
To upgrade your session to access real-time market data, you must extend the session's capabilities. See this Learn page for detailed instructions on extending and monitoring the session's capabilities.
Other steps to take
If you still cannot retrieve real-time prices, try the following:
- Log in to SaxoTraderGo or Pro and check if you can get live prices on these platforms. If you cannot, there might be a problem with your subscription. Check under Account -> Other -> Subscriptions to see the status of your real-time subscriptions.
- (Optional) If you have Excel install our OpenAPI plugin (guide) and use this debug your sessions access levels:
- Contact our support at and report the results of all the steps you took above. Please also include the client ID.
More Resources
Learn page - Session Capabilities
Live demo - Monitor Premium Price Feed Status